Colon Cancer

Best Breakfast for Colon Cancer Patients

fruit and cereal healthy breakfast

Colon cancer patients experience a host of side effects that can make food unappealing. When left untreated, patients may experience rapid weight loss, which is detrimental to their health and recovery. Breakfast is an opportunity to introduce creative but nutritious foods that will not only help patients recover to a healthy weight but also bolster…

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All Symptoms Of Colon Cancer In Women

woman with abdominal pain suffering at home

Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women, next to lung and breast cancer. Colon cancer poses some similarities to common gastrointestinal problems and some gynecologic issues, making it easy for women to pass off warning signs as random aches and pains.  So, what are the most common symptoms of colon…

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The Difference Between Colon Cancer and Hemorrhoids

human colon

Hemorrhoids and colon cancer are two gastrointestinal complications that are on opposite ends of the spectrum. One is a common, curable inflammation; the other is notorious for high mortality rates in the United States. Despite the differences in the nature of the diseases, people often mistake one for the other, which can prove detrimental especially…

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Your Blood Can Tell If You Have Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. The American Cancer Society predicts the cancer will cause 51,020 deaths in 2019 alone. However, the overall death rate is starting to drop, thanks to more advanced treatments developed over the last decade. Detecting colon cancer with blood alone may have been an…

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How to Gain Weight Even If You’re Suffering From Colon Cancer

Weight loss is an inevitable part of fighting colon cancer. Exposure to treatment forces your body to adapt and produce symptoms that make eating a lot less appealing. But with the right approach towards weight gain, you can build up the strength to successfully complete your treatment while maintaining your weight. So how do you…

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